How to interpret a PRELIMINARY POSITIVE result with the UScreen Cup?

A colored band must be visible in each control region (C) to indicate that the test is valid. If no color band appears in the appropriate Test Region (T), a preliminary positive result is indicated for the drug corresponding to that specific test zone. The test area must be white to be considered preliminarily positive. Additional testing is necessary to confirm the preliminary positive results. Positive results should be “confirmed” by an alternate method such as GC-MS or LC-MS/MS.


uscreen drug test cup 1

Interpreting the Results: 

Interpreting UScreen 12 Panel Urine Drug Test Results

A negative result is indicated by the presence of both a “C” control line or and a “T” test line for each designated drug.
The presence of a “C” control line and a very light “T” test line indicates a negative result.  Any indication of a “T” test line is interpreted as a negative result.
A positive result is indicated by the presence of a “C” control line and the absence of a “T” test line.  Wait 5 minutes to read positive results.
An invalid result is indicated when the “C” line is completely missing from one or more test windows. If this happens, run another test.
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